Yes, if you need a seminar room during the exhibition period, please contact the Secretariat for the rental.
If there are not available rooms, it may be restricted to use the spaces by the exhibition center.

If you need a part-timer, please contact the Secretariat for recruitment.
The cost can be changed by inflation rate.

Yes, you can sell products and food in our exhibitions.
But it is required to discuss it with Secretariat in advance.

If you want to amend or add content, please contact the secretariat. We will help you as soon as possible.
Tel. 02-757-6161


There are various of foods, beverages, and amenities at the COEX exhibition center underground store. For more information, you can visit.
links :
COEX Starfield

Use subway line 2 at the Samsung Station or village bus Gangnam 01,06 or regular bus 146,301,342,401,143,640,2415,3217,3411,3414,3418,2413,4318,4419,3417,9407,9414,9507.
You will use the charged parking lot at COEX.
During the displaying term, only vehicles used for working are free.
For more information, call the secretariat.

이용약관         개인정보처리방침

제 40회 서울국제관광전

KOTFA. 서울특별시 중구 소공로 4길 3 코트파 빌딩

Business Lincense 203-81-53051   

Tel 02-757-6161   Fax 02-757-6089

Copyright ⓒ 서울국제관광전조직위원회 All rights reserved. 

이용약관      개인정보처리방침

제 40회 서울국제관광전

KOTFA. 서울특별시 중구 소공로 4길 3 코트파 빌딩

Business Lincense 203-81-53051

Tel 02-757-6161 Fax 02-757-6089

Copyright 서울국제관광전조직위원회 All rights reserved.